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My Projects

Web Development
The current site you are browsing, which for the majority will be based around blogging.


[Rust] ramp-primes | Docs
A Rust Library For Generating Large Composite and Prime Numbers using a simple interface. For the Primality Test Design, please view the README.
[Rust] num-primes | README | Examples | Docs
A Rust Library For Generating Large Composite and Prime Numbers using a simple interface. It uses stable and pure rust by using the num library for large integers. It also has verification of composite, prime, and safe prime numbers as well as factorization.
[Rust] CiderStorage | README
CiderStorage is a rust library for storing files with censorship resistance intact. It is blazing fast as it uses BLAKE3 and maintains the file integrity. It is also simple to use.
[Rust] Leslie-Lamport | Docs
A Rust Crate For The Post-Quantum Digital Signature Scheme Lamport Signatures. These signatures were first created in 1979 by Leslie Lamport and use hashing for the digital signature scheme.
[Rust] Winternitz-OTS | Docs
A Rust Library For The Cryptographic, Post-Quantum, Winternitz One-Time Signature Digital Signature Scheme. This library uses the hashing function Blake2b by default.
[Rust] b2sum | Examples | Docs
A Rust Library For Generating Blake2b Checksums for files of arbitary length.
[Rust] To-Binary | Examples | Docs
A Rust Library For Conversion To Binary Strings.


[Shell] TheMacHardeningScripts
This repo contains multiple bash scripts for hardening MacOSX against cyberattacks. All hardening is automated via the scripts.

Unfinished Libraries

[Rust] Selenite | Docs
A Rust Library For Post-Quantum Digital Signatures using Round Three NIST PQ candidates SPHINCS+, Falcon512, and Falcon1024. The library is built on top of pqcrypto, a rust library with bindings to C implementations of various post-quantum cryptographic algorithms.
[Rust] CanaryKeys
CanaryKeys is a cryptocurrency that is naturally extendable (modular) and uses the Block Lattice Data Structure. It implements multiple different chains, including one for Social Media Verification, one for Digital Certificates (using Web of Trust), and one for creating projects on chain.

This Page Is Unfinished And Should Be Treated As Such.