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AtropineTears | Blog

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[Language] Lost in Language

A blog post to show how words shape the world and our perception of the world around us.

[Technical] How To Scale A Blockchain: New Advances In Recursive Composition of zk-SNARKs

Promising Advancements in Zero-Knowledge Proofs and the recursive composition of them shows promise for blockchain scaling and addresses privacy concerns.

[Technical] Num-Primes: A Performance Nightmare

Performance Issues Surrounding My Composite, Prime, and Safe Prime Generator and How I Will Attempt To Address Them

[Technical] Introduction To Lamport Signatures And My Reference Implementation

An Introduction To The Post-Quantum, One-Time Digital Signature Scheme Lamport Signatures And A Look At My Rust Implementation

[Technical] Introduction To Nostr

An Introduction To The Decentralized Social Media Platform "Nostr" By Fiatjaf.